
Historically Black Colleges and Universities hold a special place in the hearts of their alumni and in the hearts of many African Americans throughout the United States. The power of historically black institutions has birthed some of the brightest minds in our culture from Toni Morrison to Spike Lee.

Here in South Carolina, our very own HBCU, South Carolina State University is at risk of being shut down for at least 2 years. Most of the people concerned with the closing would agree that the school should not be closed. However, the confusion comes in as to how to resolve the issues that have plagued this university for the past few years.

Today we learned that some SCSU supporters are suing the state claiming that the State itself has caused the institution’s financial problems by funding competing programs at traditionally white schools. This lawsuit has been used at other HBCUs in the past which claim that their states have violated federal laws by enabling a segregated system. SCSU is claiming by allowing competing white schools to offer duplicate and competing degrees and programs as SCSU, they have caused the enrollment to suffer. In the last seven years, SCSU is claiming that the enrollment of new students has dropped approximately thirty-eight percent. Also for several years, the school was expected to fund 43% of its budget from student enrollment. In an article in the Times and Democrat this week titled, “SCSU Supporters using State” , the author references an instance in 1993 regarding Coastal Carolina becoming a University that eventually offered the same programs and degrees as SCSU.

In listening to both sides, the student/alumni and the SC government, people understand both arguments. However, it appears that both sides are trying to place one-hundred percent of the blame on the other. To be fair, the State has failed South Carolina State University, if it is true that between the years of 2000 to 2007, the SC Commission of Higher Education could not review programs that prevent duplication at competing universities because of their own budget constraints, then that is definitely a failure on the state’s part. However, South Carolina State University has to take the responsibility in its own failures.

The University has stated that 45% of its budget is from student enrollment – yet enrollment has been on the decline for many years. So, if almost half of your budget is dependent on a declining number, this should be an immediate red flag that something is wrong. Also, when it comes to leadership at SCSU, it is apparent that they have not placed leaders in position who are knowledgeable enough about complex financial accounting, budgeting and forecasting; which is the reason why they have gone through multiple presidents within the past 10 years.

Speculations and accusations can continue to fly over who is at fault for the problems hanging over the head of SCSU, however there is still light at the end of the tunnel. In 2009 the government stepped in, and saved GM who needed $51 billion to get out of debt. South Carolina State can combine the power of some of its prestigious alum like Congressman James Clyburn and Senator John Matthews, a sound strategic financial plan, and some creative marketing and fundraising efforts; along with the assistance that it is owed from the State – these efforts can save SCSU from its $17 million debt issues.

In an interview with WLTX in Columbia, Alumna Josephine Evans, a 1954 graduate of SCSU, who has given more than $6000 to her school issued these words of wisdom to her fellow alumni, “We’ve got to first give money, talk is cheap. Put your money where your mouth is. And I say to them and the Board members, put up, give up or shut up”. SCSU should think about putting Ms. Evans on the board!

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

South Carolina passing Marijuana Legislation, it’s hard to believe and hard to say if ANY legislation will pass, but here are 10 important facts you should know:

(1) 2 new measures are in place that would DECRIMINALIZE cannabis and would also create a medical cannabis program in SC, The first is thePut Patients First Act – patients w/ serious health issues can GROW & POSSESS cannabis. These patients will also have access to safe and reliable ways of obtaining their “medicine”.

(2) The second is the Decriminalization Bill – people caught w/ 1 ounce or less would only pay a FINE, like a speeding ticket, and not be JAILED.

(3) A restictive bill was passed last June, allowing on CBD based cannabis for people w/ severe epilepsy.

(4) ABC News 4 Poll says majority of SC voters are in favor of allowing seriously ill patients access to medical marijuana

(5) South Carolina is one of the first in the southeast aiming for a medical marijuana program

So do you believe Nicki Haley will actually back this type of legislation? #sideeye

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

Waterfront view, tanning salon (because I really need that), DJ Booth, cabanas, rooftop lounge, music studio, soundproof band room, water basketball & volleyball, 24-hour cyber café, study lounges, AND a recycling center. What I have just described are NOT the latest amenities for a new housing development in Isle of Palms; this, ladies and gentlemen, is a brand new, swagtastical luxury apartment building for off-campus students, mainly at the College of Charleston.

I thought having my own room in my apartment on campus at the University of South Carolina officially put me at “boss status” as a student, but off campus student living in Charleston, SC has officially changed the game. Now don’t get it twisted, this is not funded by the college. According to the Post and Courier, this $35 million, Morrison drive apartment building is being built by Asset Campus Housing, a company that develops privately owned student housing.

At $900 per room, not per apartment, PER ROOM, a 4-bedroom apartment costs students $3600 per month! Remember, this building is only about a block from Bridgeview housing projects (aka Bayside Manor). The Post and Courier article indicates, “Prices may be higher depending on the view”.
Those of us from Charleston, especially those who grew up downtown or went to school in the city have seen our city change tremendously, like a f**ked up butterfly of some sort; hey, we all know our city is simultaneously beautiful and ugly. We’ve lived to see contaminated soil and housing projects turn into high end waterfront property, dilapidated failing schools turn into so-called “charter institutions”, and some of the most dangerous areas of Charleston now have joggers and golf carts buzzing the streets daily. Downtown Charleston has become a foreign place for natives who have lived here their entire lives.

The gentrification debate can be argued all day long. Many natives believe that the city is being taken from people of color, while some other natives believe that WE have our own selves to blame based on the way we have allowed violence to plague our communities. Black business owners in downtown Charleston have sold their businesses to investors without even batting an eyelash, so the blame game is definitely a two-way street.

The complaining phase is over now. $3600 apartments and housing projects now reside on the same boulevard. Nobody wants to hear the stories of how Joe Riley and “his boys” did this or how they did that. It’s already done! The question now is what will YOU do to make sure your history and your family’s history is not erased from the face of downtown Charleston. What will you do to make sure the FEW African American families, grandmothers, mothers who still own homes in downtown Charleston maintain their properties and are not taxed to the gods? While the college of Charleston kids tan in the warm, Charleston sunset atop their rooftop lounge overlooking the Ravenel bridge, what will you do to better your community?

By the way, Bridgeview aka (Bayside Manor), Romney street residents, please pay attention to these stories.

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion

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The President’s State of the Union address if a few weeks away, but President Obama decided to do what he does best, which is use Social Media better than any politician, to give us a sneak peak at what he will be discussing in the upcoming address. President Obama is proposing to make two years of community college free for anyone who’s willing to work for it.

President Obama has Twitter buzzing tonight and people seem to be excited about hearing his message. Check out the White House Facebook post below and learn more at www.GO.WH.GOV

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As of January 4th, 2015, I do not give Facebook permission to use my pics, info or posts…yada yada yada… Please tell me you all do not believe that posting a Facebook status is protecting you from the monster we call FACEBOOK, because it is not.

If you are really concerned about Facebook’s “privacy policy” then the best thing to do is delete the entire account.

1) the minute You sign up for Facebook, you agree to their terms & conditions

2) posting a notice on your wall does not protect you legally

3) Facebook is NOT trying to OWN your pics & content. Get over yourselves. You’re awesome, but you’re not that serious

4) Once you sign up for Facebook, making a FB status about NOT agreeing to their terms does not work. You can’t negate something that you have already legally agreed to

5) YOU own your info, BUT once you sign up for Facebook, you grant them a license to use what you have uploaded

6) YOU CAN negotiate a modified policy w/ FB

7) YOU CAN lobby for Facebook to amend its policies. Visit the Site Governance section

8) FACEBOOK IS mining your data, collecting your interests & paying attention to what you buy & search so that they can gain more advertisers & make more money off of YOU. But Google has been doing this for years, your laptop, computers & phones are filled with tracking software you don’t even know is there, so if you don’t want to be tracked stay off the internet period.

9) If you are interested in Facebook not mining your data so that they cannot make money from your info, then you can read this article ZDNET –

10) Have you taken the time to read ANY of the actual policies listed on Facebook. NO, this is not an exciting read, but at least make yourself familiar with some of the basic terms. Here is the link to the Facebook Privacy Policy section–

Syllabus Magazine, the Carolina’s source for Music, Culture and Fashion



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